Saturday, February 29, 2020

An Ordinary Hero

The Bruce Lee Story directed by Rob Cohen (1993) it has fghting, drama and all sorts of other intriguing things throughout the movie. The movie takes place from when he was born in 1940 to when he died in 1973. It is a true story about a legend that changed the martial arts world. It is one Chinese immigrants dream to make it big in the U. S. while making new friends and creating a family while not knowing he is going to become a legend. In the Movie Dragon you can see the understanding of being an immigrant, overcoming the impossible, and of course love is three main reasons Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story is a must watch movie. A hero is what we all look up to. Someone who doesnt necessary need super powers but can make other people believe and support them. As long as I can remember my hero has been Bruce Lee. When I was little all I ever thought of were is movies where he was Jumping, kicking, punching and the ever famous waaaahhhhhhh! whenever he would hit someone. When I grew older I started to realize what he stood for and what kind of person he was. He changed martial arts forever with his teaching. He thought to move like water. Bruce once said Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend. (chasingthefrog) Bruce Lee coming to America at his time was hard and difficult but nothing stopped him on his way to the top. He did have hard times but he pushed through and won everyones hearts over even the ones that once ridiculed him. His mother in law who didnt want anything to do with him soon came to love him. Bruce suffered a serious back injury in a duel. Doctors told him he would never walk again. While in the hospital, he wrote a book called Tao of Jeet Kune Do, which completely changed the world of martial arts. He could not write the book so his wife rote it down while he talked But with his will to never stop trying and achieve the impossible he worked his way right out of his chair and back to his kung fu. In the movie Bruce Lee is played by an actor named Jason Scott Lee. Jason played in movies such as Jungle book and Balls of Fury. He became Bruce and showed his true attributes and style. He made me feel like he was Bruce and felt like he could do anything Bruce has done. The acting of all characters throughout the movie was phenomenal and replayed Bruces life in the best way and represented/respected his ife, values and culture well. Its full of quality actors that wont disappoint you. Being an immigrant is always tough as well as getting in a serious injury. Having to be with a completely different culture is never easy. Imagine moving to another country and having to fit in with a totally different society. I am pretty sure everyone would agree how hard that would be. And getting injured is also a very difficult thing to go through which everyone knows and understands. Being told that you will never be able to do something ever again is a lot to take in. Then to overcome all that and achieve the impossible is almost starting a whole new life. Everyone is attracted to people doing an extraordinary thing which pulls them even more into the movie. People love, love. They are attracted to love and they love watching others love. Watching love makes them want to go find love or love their special someone even harder. So if you are a boy wanting to see a movie with a lot of fghting but you have to take your girlfriend to a movie she will like. Then take her to this one because the love in this movie is amazing. Let me give a brief summary of the love throughout this movie. Bruce met his wife Linda while instructing one of his kung fu classes. They started dating while others watched and Judged how she was white and he was and Asian. They kept it a secret from her mother for a while but once they told her she said she wouldnt allow it. But that didnt stop them as they listened only to each other. Lindas mother soon came around and knows how great of a guy Bruce is. They went on to get married and have two children named Brandon (boy) and Shannon (girl). Moving from country to country and back again took a toll on the family but the love was still always there. This drama throughout the movie will keep the girl grabbed throughout the whole movie and you might even get a kiss after the movie to make a little of your own love. Now you can see in the Movie Dragon you can see the understanding of being an immigrant, overcoming the impossible, and of course love, is three main reasons Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story is a must watch movie. The movie Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story by Rob Cohen shows everything you could ask for in a movie. I strongly encourage everyone to watch this movie and I guarantee you wont be disappointed. It has old history throughout the movie that everyone can relate too. Tie that into to jumping, kicking, loving and culture then it all turns up to be a pretty sweet movie that everyone can enjoy. Bruce had struggles throughout his life but always overcame them. He always grabs peoples attention and makes people want to be like him or Just do whatever he does.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Advancements in Nanotechnology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Advancements in Nanotechnology - Research Paper Example Both nanoscience and nanotechnology represent almost perfect fulfillment of contemporary science for a number of reasons. It has continuously been characterized as a "new Frontier" (Barben et al, 2008), an "emerging field", "emergent, highly interdisciplinary field," a "transdisciplinary research front" and a "rigorous scientific field" with "many signs of protodisciplinarity" (Milburn, 2004). It eradicates the limits between research and development and practical application as well as between science and engineering field, having formed at the intersection of several fields in science and engineering. Since the late 1990s nanotechnology has witnessed extensive investment and attention from corporate and governmental sectors as "a linchpin for creating economic wealth and solving a vast number of societal problems" (Barben et al., 2008, p. 982). Nanotechnology and nanoscience united efforts of governments, venture investors, NGOs, and small enterprises.Bainbridge (2004) explained th at there are two very different nanotechnology movements in existence today. One is closely tied to chemistry, physics and materials science, based in research institutions and working to create actual technical breakthroughs. The other is based largely in science fiction literature, but has a profound influence on the perspectives of people who are not scientists or engineers. Nanotechnology, according to N. Katherine Hayles (2004), has become a potent cultural signifier attracting scientific research, along with entrepreneurial interest, government funding and fictional speculation. It represents "not so much a theoretical breakthrough as a concatenation of previously known theories, new instrumentation, discoveries of new phenomena at the nano-level, and synergistic overlaps between disciplines that appear to be converging into a new transdisciplinary research front" (p.11). Nanotechnology is a relatively new field, but over the past decade it has already strongly influenced the reorganization of the disciplinary landscape of science and engineering worldwide (Schummer, 2007). It is an emergent field "taking form at the interstices of several fields of science and engineering" (Wajcman, 2008) (p. 816). Nanostructures have been studied in a variety of contexts throughout scientific history. Colloidal solutions, block copolymer microdomains, integrated circuits, scanning tunneling microscopes, the molecular and microstructure of steel and aluminum alloys, and the crystal structures of countless proteins and cellular structures provide just glimpses of the numerous nanostructures that chemists, physicists, materials scientists, and biologists have studied for decades (Ozin & Arsenault, 2005). Over the past decades, scientific investigations have grown increasingly broad and encompassing, with many research efforts relying on techniques and insights from neighboring fields to address ever more complex challenges and to pursue ever more enticing opportunities (Foster, 2009). Consequently, a new paradigm of truly interdisciplinary research has emerged that promises to accelerate the generation of knowledge not just at the nanoscale, but in the entire scientific endeavor. Whereas nanomaterials were before simply used and studied as a means to an end, now formally distinct communities of researchers have begun to study nanoscale phenomena as part of a dedicated research effort (Foster, 2009). Because nanoscience crosses such a wide range of disciplines, the challenges addressed, tools employed, and materials created are extensive. It is possible to create general distinctions based on a variety of classifications, though two methods

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Diabetes type 1 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Diabetes type 1 - Research Paper Example Inability of patients to control the levels of glucose in the blood through the normal mechanism makes their body adopt a new mechanism to control its blood sugar level leading to the disease. The condition affects about 17 per 100,000 school-aged children in the US. The condition is mostly prevalent in the Scandinavian countries, Eastern Europe and South East Asia (Alemzadeh 76). Early diagnosis and treatment is the most appropriate way for dealing with the problem. This research paper analyzes the role of technology in the diagnosis and management of type 1 diabetes. Diagnosis and Treatment According to Alemzadeh, early diagnosis management of type 1 diabetes is the most appropriate procedure for dealing with the problem (32). The researchers concluded that managing the condition among young children was a difficult undertaking. This is because young children require guidance by a guardian to oversee their medication. The researchers concluded their research based on the findings o f a quantitative research designed to establish the prevalence of type 1 diabetes. The survey established that 7.5% of the affected families did not exercise correct hypoglycemia care for their children. The survey also established that poor application of hypoglycemia care to children suffering from type I diabetes was the main cause of long-term complications resulting from the illness. It has also been established that most victims of type 1 diabetes do not live to their adulthood. In addition, those who make it to adulthood suffer from other opportunistic infections or health conditions such as cancers, blindness and amputations. This indicates that early diagnosis and management are significant for the management of the condition. Type I diabetes has no known specific cause and this complicates its treatment and management. Some of these causes are avoidable while others cannot be avoided. In addition, the disease has no known cure and patients depend on control through insulin injection. Management and control of the disease are therefore the main method that is applied in dealing with the disease. It is also important to note that patients who do not follow the advice given by the doctor such as taking insulin injection at regular time intervals may suffer from severe complications as a result. Complications resulting from mismanagement may lead to long-term ailments such as loss of eyesight and even to death. Proper nutrition is the basic management practices for type 1 diabetes patients. The condition is caused by imbalance of blood sugar levels. This implies that the patients suffer from excessive or insufficient glucose in their blood leading to body malfunctioning. A proper diet includes regular low starch foods and plenty of water. In addition, patients require emergency glucose intake when their blood sugar level goes below the required levels. According to Camilleri, proper diet is the most effective method of controlling type I diabetes (876). The researcher concluded that most of the complications resulting from type 1 diabetes are related to poor nutrition. His research recommends technological innovations and application as the most appropriate strategy for dealing with the problem. In this case, application of technology will enhance proper information and monitoring of patients. According to Farrar, application of information technology will contribute to proper diet among diabetes patients. With the current advancements in technology, patients can access information about